last night me and some friends rented a movie and watched it over a friends house. i have a curfew at 11:30 that i know and my friends that drive know about and they know how strict my parents are on it as well. 11 o clock comes and i tell my friend i need to get home soon. she turned and asked if my other friend would take me home. she said no. so now im stuck trying to figure out how to get home late at night, b/c my dads car is in the shop. so i decide to walk b/c my friends WHO ALREADY AGREED, backed out on me b/c the movie was more important and id be ruining their fun. so it takes my friend a few minutes to decide she wants to take me home. by this time i was down the driveway and on the sidewalk. but i tell her that my mom and brother are coming with his car. then i find out my mom is meeting me half way. so mad, i call my best friend who was with them, and she takes their side! i dont understand. im such a good friend to them and i didnt deserve this. what do u think?
Should I Lose These Friends For What They Did To Me? Or Am I Overeacting?myspace tweaks
You have a right to be upset. Rather than cutting them off, however, talk to them and tell them how you feel. Give them an opportunity to make it up to you. If they continue to treat you this way, then you have to decide if you want friends who can't respect you.
Should I Lose These Friends For What They Did To Me? Or Am I Overeacting?top 10 myspace
ya its messed up ....but noones gonna always be there for u except urself DONT EVER RELY ON ANYONE ELSE BUT YOU!!! REMEBER THAT ALWAYS N FOREVER
yes i think you are just in your anger, they already agreed to take you home, if they really were your friends they would have stopped the movie to take you home,
sorry but it was pretty crappy of them
since they are youe best friends, open up to them and tell them the way you feel. if they do not respect you and jeer you, leave them alone. separate ways may be an option after that.
ur not overeacting, u have a right to be pissed off at them. i would be too, dang, i theres nothing i hate more than ppl changing the plan, i mean, it really sucks that they were meant to make sure u got home alright n they didnt. n they're meant to be ur friends!!
i say give it some time alright, maybe they'll realise how stupid they were n appologise, but dont talk to them 1st, they were in the wrong, so they should make the 1st move to patch things up.
Sounds like your friends all had a moment of total selfishness and that you should let them know that you really didn't appreciate it at all. Make it clear to them next time they want you to hang out as to how and when you're going to get home. If they pull this nonsense with you again, I'd dump them. Real friends always look out for one another!
I love my friends! Several of them get on my nerves and do what I like to call "people things." Sometimes they hurt you knowingly becasue selfishness stepped in and somtimes they hurt you unknowingly and they were just being themselves. Yet still you were hurt, so simply communicate your feelings and forget about it. Don't loose a frienship or the closeness of one for a silly car ride.
Learn and observe your friends. Keep in mind those that keep their word and those that don't. If they don't then don't depend on them.
It's kind of like that friend who says they will call right back but don't. Aaaargh!!! Doesn't that just ....Aargh!!! Yet, honestly I know sometimes I'm that person who doesn't call back and often times its not intentional I just get caught up in what ever I'm doing.
Anyhow, Next time just have a backup plan so that you can be home on time and your friends can enjoy their fun and everybody is happy. Don't forget to express how hurt you were and then go out for burgers and move on.
they're a$$holes but don't ditch them because of that. they're just not as good of friends as you thought they were. you have every right to be mad at them
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