Sunday, November 29, 2009

We're friends with benefits but we both get jealous when the other is with opposite sex friends

My friend and I are currently friends with benefits. We just came off a relationship that didnt last too long. But we decided to remain friends with all the privileges. Now when ever she goes out to one of her male friend's house, i get jealous or worried that she is doing something. Its like wise for her, I'll go see a good female friend and she'll be like where were you? What did you do? etc. So how do i try and fix this problem?

We're friends with benefits but we both get jealous when the other is with opposite sex friends?bad girls club

Thus the problem with the whole "friends with benefits" concept. Find a real lover.

We're friends with benefits but we both get jealous when the other is with opposite sex friends?school myspace

Well thats only normal.
let him know how you feel, but not like the "Vanilla Sky" way. sit and talk about it, and see what you both want. it may be time to hold back some benefits!
sounds as if you are more than friends but neither one of you can come to admit it. either that or you are afrid of loosing a great sex partner.
decide together if you can have and maintain a healthy, intimate relationship if not, then move on and find someone else
then you are more the friends,, you need to open your eyes about your true feelings
that is normal but you guys maybe should try going out again and see how you fell about each other this is probably left over fellings but it is worth a shot
Friends W/ Benefits Never Works Because Of THIS! Maybe You And Your Friend Need To Admit That Now You Are MORE Than Friends Or Stop Seeing Each Other.
Still love each other, maybe try again. If it doesn't work....move on.
Funny this is what i am going through, I have came to the end of the problem is that you guys shouldn't be friends with benefits. Because all that is going to do is make it worse. You guys just need space. i know it is hard. I mean you can talk but don't ask questions you would ask if you guys were going out.

This is how i put it. And don't go out with anyone for awhile
Either get in a committed relationship or end the "benefits" part. Its obvious you two are either selfish, in not wanting to let the other go, are you two are just really meant to be in an exclusive relationship with each other. Do you love her maybe?
why did you break up? if you resolve those issues and start over, you definitely have the emotional attatchments to be a great couple. other than that, give eachother more space. you don't nessecarily have to tell her you were at another girls house. sometimes the truth should be hidden a bit to soften a blow, but don't lie. she'll be hurt that you couldn't trust her with the truth. I think you two are still holding on pretty tight to one another, and maybe you should stay in the situation you're in but not have sex with other people for health and safety issues. It would stop the jealousy and keep you guys from sharing unwanted conditions. it just might push you back into couplehood, too.
Sounds like you are more emotionally involved with this person then you had expected. Maybe you two should talk about taking your relationship to the next level. If you two are questioning eachothers whereabouts then you definatly have feelings for eachother that are more then friends...... the "BENEFITS" of an open relationship are there are no strings attached, no questions or commitments. This relationship doesn't have all the benefits of that type of relationship. Either re evaluate it or end it all together, otherwise you may start to resent eachother and lose both the "friendship %26amp; benefits"
I dont know how u can fix this,but i kinda have a similar problem.My 'friend w/ benefits' lives in New York,im in Kentucky,and i get EXTREMELY worried that he is 'w/' other girls all the time.I get REALLY jelous too.He says that he cant find a girl,but he is HOT and i dont know wat the other girls are thinking,but they better not be thinking of gettin with him.Hes sweet,and spicey,and cute,and sexy.I couldnt imagine living w/o him,now that ive found him.Ive never actually met him,i want to,but were too far apart.The 'relationship' prbly wont last,but i hope it does.
That's just stupid! Why waist your time on something that you know isn't going to workout!!!DUH!!!
You guys obviously cant be friends with benefits because your acting like boyfriend/girlfriend. You have to choose....its either one or the other and since you cant turn your feelings off then either you try to work the relationship out or find other friends with benefits.
You decide to either be together or to be apart and none of this silly "friends with benefits" stuff. You two share a connection and feelings so there for you are not capable of separating sex and your feelings.
i think you both are still attached to each otehr by a more strong bond than mere freindship, well i am not going to comment on "friends with benifits" topic coz that is purely your personal choice, but i think u need more communication with each other, rather than expecting answers from the othre person, introspect and try to be truthful with urself and ask yourself just one question "what would i feel if he/she starts a steady reltionship with someone else, how would i feel about the whole thing, am i ok with this" if the answer is yes, i am ok, then this is mere jealousy but if the answer is No, i am not okay with this prospect, then dude your in love...anyways best of luck...
Commit or let it go. this will never work like this, U r wasting time asking questions about where U been and where U going. Actually because both of u have such good friends besides eachother once U commit U will have a trust issue. So really I think U need to just stay friends but leave the benefits until U have figured out what and where the previous relationship went wrong. Good Luck!
well i am in the same situation with the friends with bene's thing and i get jealous all the time...but you guys both have to understand ....u are not in a "relationship" to be asking questions of where one or the other goes. If you guys both feel that way maybe you should be in a relationship! Thats what I am trying to do right now! GOOD LUCK!

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