I'm going to break up with my bf soon. We are just too different and I want someone new. he's not a "let's still be friends" kind of guy, so he's going to hate me for at least a little while. The prob. is that my bf's best friend is dating my best friend, and I would really like to stay friends with his best friend, but I won't be able to if my bf hates me. Also, I like a few of my bf's other friends but I don't think they would ever date me because they want to be loyal to their friend. What do I do?
Boyfriend and his friends?scroll boxes for myspace
The decision to break up or not should be yours based on how you feel about your bf, not about how you feel about his best friend will treat you afterwards. I'm guessing that, sure, he'll be stand-offish with you for a bit, but will soon realize that if he's dating your best friend that you are part of the package. He may surprise you and be more mature that you're giving him credit for and be friends with you despite the relationship you had with his friend. Also, you bf's friends will not hold it against you....they probably wish you were theirs right now if it wasn't for him.
There's no sense in staying in the relationship if it isn't going anywhere, so break up and let the chips fall where they may!
Boyfriend and his friends?default myspace myspace.com
find new friends
I think~ you should dump your boyfriend.
Then still hang out with his friends.
Don't get in a tangled up relationship with them and look for other boys. =]
Get a life and quit worrying about pointless stuff.
Make him break up wiht you, get moody.
find different people
dont go after his freinds.... he would gate u forever then... i mean think how you would feel is your ex bf started dating your good freind... you might think its not a big deal bt then there would be jealousy and ****.. you dont want that......but if u really want a guy holla at me...:P
have him break up with you . ?
thats such a freaky situation!!!
i think all you can do is end it :S what else? be a prisoner of his love? xD
end it :S
make him break up with u
you sound a bit like my ex gf...now of which i dont talk to, dont go for one of his mates, that would hurt him heaps
first off they sound like jerks if he still wont be friends with you. you should be friends with some one before you can date them. so inturn if u stop dating them then u should still be friends. if he likes u then he will understand. Unless u were just dating him because he was hot and a good kisser.
Break up with him if your not happy. It would have ended eventually. Stay close to your friend but you don't really need to be close to his other friends.
I wouldn't date any of his other friends....try dating outside the circle.
yea break up and move on. nothing is worse then people dating within a group to where everyone just dates each other at different times, theres other guys
Too bad for them. If your friendship with some people is contingent upon who you're dating, it doesn't make sense to consider them friends.
Additionally, what were you thinking, that you could date some of his friends once you end it with him? It's possible. You probably couldn't get away with it while you're still together, right? You'd be surprised at how willing some of his friends are to date you after you brake up with him. Believe me, they're not all going to be so loyal. Clearly you're not and neither are all of them.
The fact that you like his friends is just another reason to break up! Liking your BF's friends is messed up so it's probably good your breaking up with him if your feelings are drifting.
The best breakups are very up front, honest and to the point. It will probably cause some friction with his friend and your friend but it won't last long - everyone will get over it.
Just tell him the truth. His friends would probably ask him before they decided to be ur bf.
um you could either break up with him and lose a bunch of friends. you could stay with him and just go with the relationship for a little longer and see what happens. or which would prolly work out the best, get him to break up with you, and then just be ok with it. he's gonna feel bad so he's not going to hate you, and then you can do w/e you want with his friends or w/e.
Break up with your b/f. Do it respectfully and be honest with him, and then don't worry about it. You'll still be friends with your friends, if they were really your friends. Just pretend like nothing has changed in your friendship. Be friends with his girlfriend, and be friendly to him. It's not a big deal, he'll still be friends with you. There's no reason for him to hate you just because you broke up with his best friend.
if there is nothing between you and your bf then there is not alot between you and his friends. and the best thing to do is find some new mates
Break up with him and deal with whatever comes....haha...what else would you do? Just don't go getting involved with a 'mutual friend'. That would be silly
Your weird why would u date him if you like his friend. $$$$$$$$$$$$ huh is it for the money tell me. Just kidding do what your heart tells you to do if you do that youll never go wrong. Also dont ask ppl about those things.
if i were u, i would talk to his best friend. tell him what u're going to do and that u still want to be friends with him no matter what happens. he would understand if he's mature enough. dating his other friends is not a good idea. u will just hurt urself and loose the chance of being friends with them.
well it's just my opinion. depends on u. good luck :) and happy new year!
I think that you should take his friends to the side and personally tell them that you appreciate their friendships and you don't want to lose them. Let them know that what goes on between you and your boyfriend is strictly just between you two and that you hope your future ex-boyfriend's opinion doesn't hurt their opinion of you as well. If you still want to be their friend, then that means that they are already your friends. They should understand. If they don't understand, then they weren't really worth the time and effort, as horrible as that may sound. I hope that helps!
i had the same problem a couple weeks ago i just asked a friend that he had and was my friend too and he said he wouldnt hate me but he also told his friend i planned on dumping him... but it didn't do all bad i mean ya he was mad but also he was pepaired... so it wasnt lie a shock... but ya... it wasn't my best plan but it worked... only thing is that my ex is begging me to get back with him....
if you want to break up with him then break up with him or try to work things out..but dont go out with your boyfriends friends cuz thts wrong he will def hate you but i doubt they will stop being your friend cuz you guys broke up. good luck
Don't try to make your boyfriend's friends choose between you and him. If they want to continue being friends with you let them make the effort. As far as dating your ex-boyfriend's friends...not a good idea. Your ex-boyfriends friends are going to have zero respect for you if you start going after them, so you won't want to date them anyway. Find some new people to hang out with and some new guys to be attracted to.
If you break up with him maturely, you wouldn't have to deal with all the childish attitude towards each other.
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