Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My best friends adult daughter treats her like dirt, what to do?

My friends adult daughter treats her like CRAP. She dumps her kids on her all the time, doesn't pay her, complains about everything and is in ALL of her business, even finacial stuff (I guess all she cares about is her inheritance.) She's an only child, 37 years old, her mom is 57, so she's too old to change now. I've had many arguements with my friend about this, but to her, her precious, obnoxious, ugly daughter is the be all to end all and perfect in every way.

The girl is a demon-seed. The parents and the husband are scared to death of her nasty mouth, so they all just cow-tow to her. Do you think I can change this at all? We've been best friends for 15 years and all this has escalated since she retired in September, up until then I was able to ignore all the nonsense and drama because it wasn't on a daily basis.

I keep wondering if I should just cut all ties and walk away. My friends husband and I are good friends too, but if I have to lose him as a friend I guess I have to.

My best friends adult daughter treats her like dirt, what to do?girls myspace

Well, first of all I'm sorry that your friend's daughter is so ridiculously rude. That is terrible. Maybe you should try talking to her; I don't know why she would listen to you, but maybe since you were her mom's best friend she might realize what the heck she's doing. I know that sometimes I don't listen to my mom, because it seems like she needs to say certain things to me as my mother. But if another unrelated adult talked to her, she might get the picture. I don't think it's fair that you have to get so worried about this, and it's not fair that your best friend has to deal with it, and place some of the burden on you. If they all refuse to change, I think it's fair to threaten them by saying you will leave. It might be hard, but think how much happier it would make you! It's not selfish to cut yourself off from them; it sounds like you've done all you can and worried as much as you can. So if they aren't changing, it's their fault. Good luck.

My best friends adult daughter treats her like dirt, what to do?skinny myspace myspace.com

Your friend definitely needs you. You shouldn't stop being friends because of her daughter. Instead, tell your friend that you are concerned, and that maybe she should try to not give in so easily. I agree with part of what the last answerer said - you should try talking to the daughter. Try to be as polite as possible though.
its nun of ur bsuness

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