Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Male friends?

How do i make more male friends? i come off somewhat serious around guys. More like intimidating. I would like guys as friends but they attract to me in a more than friends way. I'm not a flirt so it ends up as neither a relationship nor a friendship. And sometimes i just want to chill and relax with them not date them. How do i make more male friends and how do i come off as a friend to guys?

Male friends?my myspace

I had just the opposite problem when in High School. The only girls I knew were my friends! (I used to joke that I couldn't buy a date!)

I would say, just be yourself. Talk to guys just like you talk to your other friends. Some of them will want to be friends, some will want more, some may want less. Your best relationships will always be your friends.

Male friends?myspace bulletins myspace.com

like if da guys r pl,aying sports or video games and all tat boy stuff they do try 2 play wit them boys like girls who play like football, basketball, and actually act like a boy in the games like sliding, tackling, and evrythn then u can becum there friends they like girls who get down in the dirt wit them

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