Sunday, December 6, 2009

I told my friends my problems because i needed to tell someone?

I had kept it in for alomost 10 years, i thought i could trust them. So i told them my problems, and i was just sick of it all. I told them i was going to run a way for a few days. Then one of my friends way just like be safe and the other one was really worried, she was calling me for ages, and then got her parents involved. I didnt end up going because of my friend. She found out i just went to a friends house and she was pissed with me, she told me she doesnt want to speak to me, see me and to get out of her life. The other friend was helping me untill she spoke with my other friend, because they are best friends, and then she didnt talk to me for a while. She said i need time, its been a month, i spoke to her the other day, she says she cant handle other peoples problems, but shes not telling me if we can still be friends, and thats all i want. I cant live without them and its really hurting me. I told them im sorry, that the mean the world to me? They wont talk, or tell me things.

I told my friends my problems because i needed to tell someone?girl myspace

I dont know what your friends are like in real life, but from this story, they are seeming like bad friends. you need friends who will support you.

Its good that you told your friends, and they cared about you enough to be concerned and get their parents involved, that means they care, but it was wrong of them to turn on you once it was over. you should try some medidtation or sometrhing to get you through the time until you friends come back to you, because if they are real friends (cliche i know, but its true) they will come back.

I told my friends my problems because i needed to tell someone?myspace live

Those don't sound like very good friends. Give her time and maybe she'll come around. Sounds like she maybe felt lied to because you didn't really "run away"
They aren't real friends then, and you should just drop them. We all make mistakes...And if they can't accept that, there's no way they deserve somebody like you who still cares about them.
Just go to her face to face and tell her it is herting u. they aren't good friends if they don't become friends with u. just say it was a big miss understanding. it happens all the time. it can't be that big of a deal they turn it in a bigger deal than it really is. just come to her clean

I hope everything works out

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